Privacy Policy

Cybermals Privacy Policy as of 01/05/2024

  1. Definitions
    1. "we" or "us" means "the staff of Cybermals"
    2. "this website" means "the Cybermals website and all it's associated content"
    3. "you" means "any entity using this website"
    4. "3rd party" means "any entity other than you"
    5. "user generated content" or "UGC" means "any content created by you"
    6. "cookies" means "small text files used to store data used by this website"
  2. Data Collection
    1. For safety and security purposes, we log the IP address of every entity that visits our website. If you disagree with this practice, you may discontinue use of our website at any time.
    2. Some of our services require you to create an account. In order to create a new account, we require the following additional personal information:
      1. a username which will be publicly visible
      2. a password which will be kept private and stored in a secure manner
      3. a valid email address which will be kept private and used to contact you in order to verify your email address, recover a lost password, notify you of changes to our legal documents, and notify you of safety or security issues regarding your account
      4. a security question and answer which will be kept private and used to verify your identity as part of the password recovery process
    3. We keep a visitor count to track how many people have viewed each page of our forum, however we do NOT track who visits each forum page.
    4. We store UGC provided to us voluntarily in order to operate our services.
    5. You have the right to request a copy of all your personal data at any time by sending us an email at
    6. You have the right to request us to delete all of your personal data at any time by sending us an email at
    7. In the event that your acount gets banned due to rule violations, you still have the right to request deletion of your personal data. However, we do reserve the right to retain information required to uphold the ban such as your IP address.
  3. Data Sharing
    1. We do NOT sell personal data to 3rd parties.
    2. We do NOT currently share personal data with 3rd parties unless required to by law.
  4. Cookies
    1. When you create a new account on our website, we use a cookie to store session data related to your account creation request.
    2. When you log into your account on our website, we use a cookie to store session data related to your current session.
    3. These cookies are temporary and may be safely deleted at any time, however deleting them will log you out of your account.
    4. Logging into your account again will recreate the cookie for session data.